Better Workplaces, Better Businesses is a national listing of businesses that support public policies that enable employees to earn paid time away from their jobs in order to address family, medical, and health issues. In states and cities around the country, legislative proposals for earned sick days and family medical leave insurance have been introduced and increasingly adopted. This site brings together, in one place, the businesses from across the country that are supportive of earned leave. While local and state proposals and laws may vary, individual businesses in these locations share the perspective that these public policies are good for their employees, which is also good for business, and good for the economy. The site also features various resources that explain the value of these policies for businesses and the economy.

Earned Sick Days

sickleave_iconThrough sick days laws, employees earn paid time away from their jobs when they are sick or must care for a sick family member. They might use this time when the flu strikes or an elder needs help recovering from surgery. No federal law yet provides earned sick days. Already, the cities of Portland, San Francisco, Seattle, and Washington, D.C. and the State of Connecticut have passed such laws, while a New York City law is awaiting the Mayor’s signature.  Campaigns to pass similar laws are currently active across the country.

See a national list of businesses that support earned sick days.

Family and Medical Leave Insurance

Family and Medical Leave Insurance laws ensure that employees can afford to take time away from work to recover from serious illness or care for family members or new babies. California, New Jersey, and Rhode Island have passed paid family leave insurance laws, and campaigns are underway to pass similar legislation across the country. The federal Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) provides up to 12 weeks of job-protected leave for these purposes, but only 60 percent of the workforce is eligible and the leave is unpaid.

See a national list of businesses that support family and medical leave insurance.












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