This company shows paid parental leave doesn’t have to just be for white-collar workers (September 4, 2015)
By Lydia DePillis, The Washington Post
In the rash of American companies to roll out generous parental leave policies over the past few weeks — Netflix! Goldman Sachs! Adobe! Microsoft!— Thursday’s announcement that McLean, Va.-based Hilton Worldwide would be giving new mothers 10 paid weeks off and fathers two weeks off got little press. Just another company seeking to jump on the PR bandwagon, one might conclude, perhaps laudable but not especially noteworthy.
Actually, though, Hilton was unusual. Most of the companies expanding their paid leave benefits are in finance or tech, seeking to attract and retain a highly-skilled female workforce. Netflix, now famously, didn’t extend its new unlimited leave policy to the bulk of its hourly workforce.
Hilton, on the other hand, has a lot of non-white-collar workers.