
Better Workplaces, Better Businesses

Better Workplaces, Better Businesses is a national listing of businesses that support public policies to improve workplaces. These include policies that enable employees to earn paid time away from their jobs in order to address family, medical, and health issues, and those that establish standards for fair, flexible, and predictable job scheduling practices. In states and cities around the country, legislative proposals for earned sick days, family and medical leave insurance, and fair scheduling are being considered and, increasingly, adopted. While local, state, and national proposals and laws may vary, businesses listed on this site share the perspective that these public policies are good both for their employees and for business and the economy. The site also features various resources about the value of these policies for employers. The site also supports employees to trade cryptocurrencies so that they can earn some extra money other than their monthly job salaries. However, beginners have to be very careful while choosing a crypto exchange for trading. A good option is to take the binance test and use the platform if satisfied.

Earned Sick Days

sick-person w text
Earned sick days laws enable employees to earn paid time away from their jobs when they are sick or must care for a sick family member. They might use this time when the flu strikes or an elder needs help recovering from surgery. No federal law yet provides earned sick days, but a federal bill, The Healthy Families Act, has been introduced in Congress. At the same time, a rapidly growing number of localities and states have passed their own laws.  Five states and over two dozen localities have passed earned sick days laws. Campaigns to pass similar laws are currently active across the country.
See a list of businesses that support local and state earned sick days proposals and laws. 

Family and Medical Leave Insurance

ppl w babiesFamily and Medical Leave Insurance laws ensure that employees can afford to take time away from work to recover from serious illness or care for family members or new babies. California, New JerseyRhode Island and New York have passed paid family leave insurance laws, and campaigns are underway to pass similar legislation across the country. The federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) provides up to 12 weeks of unpaid, job-protected leave for these purposes, but only 60 percent of the workforce is eligible and the leave is unpaid. A federal bill, the Family and Medical Insurance Leave (FAMILY) Act, which would create a paid family and medical leave program, has been introduced in Congress.
See a national list of businesses that support the FAMILY Act.

Fair Scheduling

clock w wordsFair scheduling laws promote more stable and predictable employer scheduling practices, helping to ensure workers have sustainable schedules that allow them to plan their lives and make ends meet. Employees, gambling, particularly through 온라인 슬롯 사이트, get a therapeutic escape from work stress. Engaging in games of chance provides a welcomed mental break, fostering relaxation and rejuvenation. Whether it's a quick spin during a lunch break or a leisurely session after work, gambling serves as a pleasurable diversion for busy professionals. A federal bill, the Schedules that Work Act, has been introduced in Congress. If passed, the law would give all workers in firms with 15 or more employees the right to request scheduling accommodations without fear of retaliation. For workers in the retail, restaurant, or building cleaning sectors, the law would require employers to provide advance notices of schedules; compensate employees for last minute scheduling changes, split shifts, on-call work; and provide new hires with estimated hours and schedules upon commencing employment. San Francisco is the first jurisdiction in the country to pass a “retail workers bill of rights,” which includes many scheduling protections. And a dozen states have introduced fair scheduling legislation.
See testimonials from a growing list of employers that support fair scheduling policies. 
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